Help someone you love capture their story and leave a lasting legacy.
Interview an impactful person in your life and help them connect with others, today and into the future. StoryFile Life makes real, face-to-face conversations possible across boundaries of time and place.
"Mom, can you tell the great grandkids about Dad?"
Invite your loved ones to StoryFile Life to share the journey of a lifetime. Open lines of communication that never close.
StoryLines are sets of questions that we've devised to help get you started. They provide a foundation that everyone you choose to have a conversation with will enjoy and understand.
You can video record your loved one answering our curated list of questions, or they can record themselves.
Once you're in recording mode, each question will appear on the screen, you'll record your answer, save your response, and then the next question will appear for you to answer. Enjoy the process of telling your life story!
Imagine future generations seeing and hearing your great grandmother tell her story.
Once your loved one records their StoryFile, you'll be able to help them share it with whoever they choose via their
StoryCircles are a way to organize the people that you share your story with. Your StoryCircle may grow when you're contacted by a long-lost relative, or you may decide to share certain videos with a broader audience. Your StoryCircle is yours, and your privacy is our priority.
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Try StoryFile Life for free and create your own interactive conversational StoryFile video.
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